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Cleanroom partnership ready for new development

Good news for the cleanroom: we are ready to launch our further development of the Topas Condensation Fog Generator. The last important talks on this took place recently with our long-standing partner Leschke Messtechnik GmbH. We are very pleased to have such a professional in the field of cleanroom testing at our side, who will exclusively distribute the CFG 291 Condensation Fog Generator for us in Germany. As one of the first authorised Topas partners, we appreciate his decades of know-how in the field of maintenance of cleanroom measuring equipment, special equipment construction and cleanroom controlling. Customers from the cleanroom sector can look forward to seeing what technical optimisations and very practical innovations, such as exchangeable batteries for uninterrupted operation, the CFG 291 will come up with.

Topas management and sales partners pose next to the company sign "Leschke Messtechnik GmbH", company building in the background