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AFC 133 Test System

AFC 133 Test System for characterisation of cleanable filter media according to ISO 11057

For characterisation of cleanable filter media Topas developed the AFC 133 Filter Media Test Rig, which is designed for measurements according to ISO 11057.
Prüfstand für abreinigbare Filtermedien AFC 133, VorderseitePrüfstand für abreinigbare Filtermedien AFC 133, Detail
Cleanable Filter Media Test System AFC 133, front viewCleanable Filter Media Test System AFC 133, detail
Reliable, reproducible testing of filter media is important for the development and optimisation of filter media, as well as for quality assurance during the production process. Filter materials for dust filters for gases are characterised by a reference test method according to the ISO 11057. Under standardised test conditions and test procedures both the performance during operation and the particulate emissions of the filter media are determined in order to obtain information about the operation and separation behavior during practical use.

The most relevant parameters for the characterisation of filter media are:

- differential pressure behavior during the dust loading
- the gravimetric separation efficiency
- the fractional filtration separation efficiency
- the loading capacity of the filter
- the cyclic behavior at aging of the filter

With the AFC 133 Filter Media Test Stand customised test procedures can be done as well.


ISO 11057
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  • flexible design facilitates modification and future extension
  • long-term stable dosage and dispersion of test dust Pural NF
  • test rig is fully computer controlled by user-friendly PAFWin software
  • wide variety of test aerosols possible (atmospheric, dust or droplets)
  • combination of Topas instruments ensures best performance at optimum price


  • dust loading tests ISO 11057
  • small scale filter tests along the general lines of other standards possible
  • development and optimization of filter media
  • quality assurance
Parameter titleUnitValue
test flow rate m³/h 0,5 - 5
measuring range, differential pressure Pa
power supply - 3 × 400 V AC, 16 A
operating medium, aerosol substance - Pural-NF, Pural-SB, DEHS
  • Atomizer Aerosol Generator ATM 220
  • Laser Aerosol Spectrometer LAP 323

Silimar products

AFC 131

AFC 131 Test System for characterisation of cleanable filter media acc. VDI 3926-2

Filter Media Test System AFC 131 front view
detail view